Introduction to Computational Topology

COSC 249.09, Fall 2021

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All materials are subject to change based on the actual class interaction and student feedback.



When we could be diving for pearls
Fiona Ross, 2011
9 3/4” x 6”
Micron ink on Denril paper
logistics, introduction; planar curves, representations, Jordan curve/polygon theorem; winding number, representations, homotopy, invariance [lecture video|annotated slides]
regular homotopy, rotation number, Whitney-Graustein Theorem; Gauss signing, strangeness, Whitney-Graustein is tight; (smoothings, Seifert decomposition) [lecture audio|annotated slides]

Surfaces and Complexes

surfaces, triangulations, polygonal schemata, homeomorphism, classification of surfaces; surface graphs, rotation system, dual graphs [lecture video|annotated slides]

A system of loops
Weinrauch, Seidel, Mlakar,
Steinberger, Zayer, 2021
tree-cotree decomposition, system of loops, Euler's formula; Euler Calculus, curvatures and Gauss-Bonnet theorem; configuration spaces, complexes [lecture video|annotated slides]

Linkage and Folding

linkage reachability and reconfiguration: polygonal chains, turning polygons inside-out, arm lemma, Cauchy-Steinitz lemma [lecture video|annotated slides]

千羽鶴 Senbazuru
(One thousand origami cranes)

folding and origami: folding states implies motion, general foldability, Kawasaki theorem; polyhedra unfolding: polyhedrons, Steinitz theorem, Cauchy rigidity theorem, Alexandrov's theorem [lecture video|annotated slides]



Prentententoonstelling (Print Gallery)
M.C. Escher, 1956
Middle hole patched by
Bart de Smit and Hendrik Lenstra
testing homotopy, crossing sequence, shortest homotopic path, funnel algorithm; covering spaces, lifting, fundamental groups [lecture video|annotated slides]

Hopf fibration with
Vysehrad railway station

Lukos Hey, 2018
oil on canvas, 60 x 90 cm
homotopy equivalence, retractions, induced homomorphisms, 2D Brouwer fixed-point theorem; computing fundamental groups, group presentations, undecidability [lecture video|annotated slides]



Tyler Hobbs, 2019
generative design, 16 x 20 inches
minimum (s,t)-cut in planar graphs, minimum homotopic cycle, Reif's algorithm; multiple-source shortest paths: disk-tree lemma, parametric shortest paths, red-blue lemma [lecture video|annotated slides]

Sliced Partial Optimal Transport
Nicolas Bonneel and David Coeurjolly,
r-division: BFS level cycles, fundamental-cycle separator, cycle separator, r-division through alternation; dense-distance graphs, Monge property, Monge heap, FR-Dijkstra, fast min-cut in planar graphs, planar emulator [lecture video|annotated slides]



Homologous Bones between
a Monitor lizard and an Ostrich

Grundriss der vergleichenden Anatomie,
Karl Gegenbaur, 1878
chain complex, boundary maps, cycles and boundaries, simplicial homology; computing homology, singular homology, homotopy invariance [lecture video|annotated slides]

An 11-by-11 Hex Board
from The Game of Hex and the
Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem
David Gale, 1979
Euler characteristics redux, Brouwer's fixed point theorem, relative homology, connecting map, long exact sequence; Sperner's lemma, Borsuk-Ulam theorem, ham sandwich theorem, necklace splitting theorem, fair partitioning [lecture video|annotated slides]

Persistent Homology

Čech complex, Vietoris-Rips complex, nerve theorem, alpha complex; persistent homology, barcodes, barcode computation [no lecture video|slides]
persistence diagram, bottlneck distance, stability sketching persistence diagram, applications [lecture video|annotated slides]

Morse Theory

Reeb graphs, critical points, Morse lemma, flowlines; Morse homology and inequalities, loop lemma [lecture video|annotated slides]
discrete Morse theory: discrete gradient field, simplicial collapse, discrete flowline; evasiveness conjecture, homology lower bound on #evaders [lecture video|annotated slides]

Selected Topics

Intermission; ask me anything!
Presenting Almost-Linear ε-Emulators for Planar Graphs with Robert Krauthgamer and Zihan Tan, from behind the scene [lecture video|slides]
More on Borsuk-Ulam Theorem: equivalent formulations, Tucker’s Lemma, Lusternik-Schnirelmann Theorem; Kneser graphs, Lovász-Kneser Theorem, Gale’s Lemma, Schrijver graphs [lecture video|annotated slides]

Topics we might not get to cover

The list is no where near exhaustive and is biased towards my personal interests.
Maybe some of them next time in a special topics course. Just maybe.
3-manifolds: knots, normal surface theory
low-distortion routing: multi-commodity flows, L1 embeddings, planar embedding conjecture
topological graph theory: planar covers and Negami 1-2-infinity conjecture, theory of almost-planar graphs
combinatorics of curves: pseudolines, self-overlapping curves, electrical moves, Hanani-Tutte, weak embeddings
planar graph algorithms: disjoint paths, multi-terminal flows and cuts, diameter, matchings, distance oracles
differential topology: transversality, genericity, intersection theory
geometric topology: mapping class group, Dehn twists, Lickorish generators
tools on planar graphs: Tutte spring embedding, Maxwell–Cremona correspondence, Schnyder woods
shape analysis: Mapper and friends

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