- Computing Diameter+2 in Truly Subquadratic Time for Unit-Disk Graphs,
with Hung Le,
Jie Gao,
in Proceedings of the 40th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2024),
pages 38:1-38:14, 2024.
- Shortcut Partitions in Minor-Free Graphs: Steiner Point Removal, Distance Oracles, Tree Covers, and
with Jonathan Conroy,
Hung Le,
Lazar Milenkovic,
Shay Solomon,
Cuong Than,
in Proceedings of the 2024 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2024),
pages 5300-5331, 2024.
This paper improves over the results from our earlier preprint "Resolving the Steiner Point Removal Problem in Planar Graphs via Shortcut Partitions".
- Near-Linear ε-Emulators for Planar Graphs,
with Robert Krauthgamer and
Zihan Tan,
Proceedings of the 54th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC'22),
pages 1311–1324, 2022.
- Deterministic, Near-Linear ε-Approximation Algorithm for Geometric Bipartite Matching,
with Pankaj Agarwal,
Sharath Raghvendra and
Allen Xiao,
Proceedings of the 54th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC'22),
pages 1052–1065, 2022.
- Tightening Curves and Graphs on Surfaces,
Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, July 2018.
- Spectral Aspects of Symmetric Matrix Signings,
with Charles Carlson,
Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran,
Naonori Kakimura, and
Alexandra Kolla,
Discrete Optimization, volume 37, article 100582, pages 1-22, 2020.
Conference version in
Proceedings of the 44th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'19),
pages 81:1-81:13, 2019.
This paper improves over some of the results from our earlier preprint
"Invertibility and Largest Eigenvalue of Symmetric Matrix Signings".
- Tightening Curves on Surfaces via Local Moves,
with Jeff Erickson,
David Letscher,
Arnaud de Mesmay,
Saul Schleimer,
Eric Sedgwick,
Dylan Thurston, and
Stephan Tillmann,
Proceedings of the
29th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA'18),
pages 121-135, 2018.
- Lower Bounds for Planar Electrical Reduction,
with Jeff Erickson,
preprint, 2017.
- Untangling Planar Curves,
with Jeff Erickson,
Discrete & Computational Geometry, volume 58, issue 4, pages 889-920, 2017.
Special issue of invited papers from the 32nd International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'16).
Conference version in
Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG'16),
pages 29:1-29:16, 2016.
This paper improves over some of the results from our earlier preprint "Electrical Reduction, Homotopy Moves, and Defect".
Won the best student presentation award! Here are the slides.
- Electrical Reduction, Homotopy Moves, and Defect,
with Jeff Erickson,
preprint, 2015.
Some of the results from this paper are being improved in our conference submission "Untangling planar curves".
- Asymptotically Optimal Thickness Bounds of Generalized Bar Visibility Graphs,
with Yen-Peng Sung and Hsueh-I Lu,
manuscript not intended for publication, 2009.