Introduction to Computational Topology
COSC 49.09, Fall 2020
| Schedule |
Course Schedule
All materials are subject to change based on the actual class interaction and student feedback.
When we could be diving for pearls
Fiona Ross, 9 3/4” x 6”, 2011
Micron ink on Denril paper
logistics; introductions; planar curves, representations, Jordan curve/polygon theorem [
lecture video
Erickson Chap 1
Lazarus-Mesmay Sec 2.1.1
Reference to Jordan curve theorem:
The Jordan-Schönflies Theorem and the Classification of Surfaces
by Thomassen
by Munkres, Sec 61 and 63
winding number, homotopy, invariance; regular homotopy, rotation number, Whitney-Graustein Theorem; Gauss signing, smoothings, Seifert decomposition [
lecture video
Erickson Chap 5
Cool application of regular homotopy (no time):
hex mesh theorem
Picture-hanging puzzles
by Demaine, Demaine, Minsky, Mitchell, Rivest, and Pătrașcu
Untangling planar curves
(shameless self-promotion)
Reference to simplicial approximation theorem:
Chap 6 of lecture notes by Wilton
(polished by Dexter Chua)
Elements of Algebraic Topology
by Munkres, Sec 14-16
surfaces, triangulations, polygonal schemata, homeomorphism, classification of surfaces; surface graphs, rotation system, dual graphs, tree-cotree decomposition, Euler's formula [
lecture video
Lazarus-Mesmay Sec 3.1 and 3.2
Conway's ZIP proof
by Franci and Weeks
Comics and fun videos about surfaces:
Topo the World
by Jean-Pierre Petit, translated by John Murphy
Wind and Mr. Ug
by Vi Hart
Erickson Chap 6
Reference to triangulation theorem:
The Jordan-Schönflies Theorem and the Classification of Surfaces
by Thomassen
tree-cotree decomposition, Euler characteristic, Gauss-Bonnet theorem; mesh generation, Delaunay triangulations, flip algorithm, Bowyer-Watson refinement, Ruppert's algorithm [
lecture video
Erickson Chap 2
Lazarus-Mesmay Sec 4.3
Mesh Generation and Geometry Processing in Graphics, Engineering, and Modeling
by Jonathan Shewchuk, Chap 2, 3, and 6.3
Elementary Applied Topology
by Robert Ghrist, Chap 3
Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory
by Stillwell, Chap 1
Discrete Differential Geometry: An Applied Introduction
by Keenan Crane, Chap 5
Ruppert's Delaunay Refinement Algorithm
by Jonathan Shewchuk
Surveys and open problems on mesh generation and edge flips:
Mesh Generation and Optimal triangulation
by Bern and Eppstein
Flips in planar graphs
by Bose and Hurtado
Prentententoonstelling (Print Gallery)
M.C. Escher, 1956
Middle hole patched
Bart de Smit and Hendrik Lenstra
testing homotopy, crossing sequence, shortest homotopic path, funnel algorithm; covering spaces, fundamental groups, induced homomorphisms, Brouwer fixed-point theorem, retractions and homotopy equivalence, universal cover [
lecture video
Erickson Chap 3
Chap 4
Algebraic Topology
by Allen Hatcher, Chap 1
Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory
by Stillwell, Chap 1.4, 3.1-3.3
Lazarus-Mesmay Sec 4.1
homotopy groups of surfaces, group presentations, uniformization theorem, hyperbolic geometry; minimum (s,t)-cut in planar graphs, minimum homotopic cycle, Reif's algorithm, speedup [
lecture video
Lazarus-Mesmay Sec 3.4
Erickson scribbles, Oct 17 2017
Mozes lecture notes, Nov 14 2011
Minimum s-t Cut of a Planar Undirected Network in O(n log^2(n)) Time
, John H. Reif, 1981
Classical Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory
by Stillwell, Chap 4.1, 4.2.1
Resource for hyperbolic geometry:
Non-Euclidean Geometry Explained - Hyperbolica Devlog #1
by CodeParade
A Primer on Mapping Class Groups by Farb and Margalit, Chap 1
Arrival Logograms
from scifi film
Arrival (2016)
complexes, Čech complex, nerve theorem, Vietoris-Rips complex, alpha shape and alpha complex; chain complex, boundary maps, cycles and boundaries, simplicial homology [
lecture video
Edelsbrunner lecture notes, Sec III and IV.2
Algebraic Topology
by Allen Hatcher, Chap 2
Dey lecture notes, Sec 6-8
Introduction to Alpha Shapes
by Kaspar Fischer
Computational Topology: An Introduction
by Herbert Edelsbrunner and John L. Harer, Chap 3
Nanda lecture notes, Lec 1-3
Elementary Applied Topology
by Robert Ghrist, Chap 2
homology theories and homotopy invariance, winding number/Euler characteristics redux, other fun examples [
lecture video
Lazarus-Mesmay Sec 6
Algebraic Topology
by Allen Hatcher, Chap 2
Graphs, Surfaces and Homology
by Peter Giblin, Chap 4-7
Edelsbrunner lecture notes, Sec IV.2 and IV.3
Computational Topology: An Introduction
by Herbert Edelsbrunner and John L. Harer, Chap 4
Nanda lecture notes, Lec 3-4
Elementary Applied Topology
by Robert Ghrist, Chap 4
An 11-by-11 Hex Board
The Game of Hex and the
Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem
David Gale, 1979
Brouwer's fixed point theorem, Sperner's lemma, PPAD complexity; Borsuk-Ulam theorem, ham sandwich theorem, fair partitioning [
lecture video
The discrete yet ubiquitous theorems of Carathéodory, Helly, Sperner, Tucker, and Tverberg
by Jesus A. De Loera, Xavier Goaoc, Frédéric Meunier, Nabil Mustafa, Sec 1, 2, 4, 7.1
Using the Borsuk–Ulam Theorem
by Jiří Matoušek, Chap 2-3
Algebraic Topology
by Allen Hatcher, Chap 2.B
Elementary Applied Topology
by Robert Ghrist, Chap 4 and 5
Game of Hex
Have you play the Hex game before? If not,
try it here
The Game of Hex and the Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem
by David Gale
Persistent homology, barcodes, existence, computation, stability; applications in topological data analysis [
lecture video
Dey lecture notes on persistent homology
Barcodes: The Persistent Topology of Data
by Robert Ghrist
Persistent Homology — a Survey
by Herbert Edelsbrunner and John Harer
A list of tools to compute persistent homology can be found on the
course webpage by Yusu Wang
Persistence Theory: From Quiver Representations to Data Analysis
by Steve Y. Oudot
Appendix iv: Halcyon Court
from puzzle game
Monument Valley (2014)
Ustwo Games
cohomology, flow and circulation, impossible objects, Čech cohomology; universal coefficient theorem, cup product, Borsuk-Ulam redux [
lecture video
Nanda lecture notes, Lec 5
On the Cohomology of Impossible Figures
by Tony Phillips, 2014
The Topology of Impossible Spaces
by Roger Penrose, 1992
Algebraic Topology
by Allen Hatcher, Chap 3.1 and 3.2
Edelsbrunner lecture notes, Sec IV.4
Elementary Applied Topology
by Robert Ghrist, Chap 6.1 - 6.3, 6.10, 9.6
Künneth formula, Poincaré duality, Alexander duality, Helly theorem; graph Laplacians, positive semi-definite matrix, algebraic connectivity, graph cuts, electrical flows [
lecture video
Elementary Applied Topology
by Robert Ghrist, Chap 6.4 - 6.6, 6.12
Algebraic Topology
by Allen Hatcher, Chap 3.3
Lx = b: Laplacian Solvers and Their Algorithmic Applications
by Nisheeth K. Vishnoi, 2013, Chap 1 - 4
A Simple, Combinatorial Algorithm for Solving SDD Systems in Nearly-Linear Time
by Jonathan A. Kelner, Lorenzo Orecchia, Aaron Sidford, and Zeyuan Allen Zhu, 2013
Nearly-linear time algorithms for graph partitioning, graph sparsification, and solving linear systems
by Daniel A. Spielman and Shang-Hua Teng, 2004
Let's chat and research together: how to find a topic, what does research look like, how to find references, and all that jazz
Advanced topics
Prerequisites: calculus, linear algebra, homology/cohomology
derivatives, differential forms, exterior calculus, de Rham cohomology, Stokes theorem; isolation lemma in planar graphs [
lecture video
Discrete Differential Geometry: An Applied Introduction
by Keenan Crane, Chap 3, 4, 6, 8
Elementary Applied Topology
by Robert Ghrist, Chap 6.8 - 6.9, 6.12
Green’s Theorem and Isolation in Planar Graphs
by Raghunath Tewari and N. V. Vinodchandran, 2012
Differential Forms
by Victor Guillemin and Peter J. Haine, 2018
Prerequisites: curves, surfaces, algorithm analysis
multiple-source shortest paths: disk-tree lemma, parametric shortest paths, red-blue lemma; r-division: cycle separators, fundamental-cycle separator, BFS face levels, alternation [
lecture video
Multiple-Source Shortest Paths in Embedded Graphs
by Sergio Cabello, Erin W. Chambers, and Jeff Erickson, 2013
A Simple Algorithm for Computing a Cycle Separator
by Sariel Har-Peled and Amir Nayyeri, 2018
Optimization Algorithms for Planar Graphs
by Philip Klein and Shay Mozes, Chap 5 and 7
dense-distance graphs, FR-Dijkstra, Monge property, Monge heap, fast min-cut in planar graphs [
lecture video
Improved Algorithms for Min Cut and Max Flow in Undirected Planar Graphs
by Giuseppe F. Italiano, Yahav Nussbaum, Piotr Sankowski, and Christian Wulff-Nilsen, 2011
Erickson lecture notes, Oct 20 2020
Morse theory
Prerequisites: everything from the class
critical points, Morse functions, flow lines, Morse homology and inequalities; Reeb graphs, loop lemma, applications to shape analysis [
lecture video
Elementary Applied Topology
by Robert Ghrist, Chap 7
Morse theory
by Shintaro Fushida-Hardy
Edelsbrunner lecture notes, Sec V
Graph Reconstruction by Discrete Morse Theory
by Tamal K. Dey, Jiayuan Wang, and Yusu Wang, 2018
Road Network Reconstruction from Satellite Images with Machine Learning Supported by Topological Methods
by Tamal K. Dey, Jiayuan Wang, and Yusu Wang, 2019
No time for today:
Loops in Reeb Graphs of 2-Manifolds
by Kree Cole-McLaughlin, Herbert Edelsbrunner, John Harer, Vijay Natarajan, and Valerio Pascuc, 2019
Morse Theory for Filtrations and Efficient Computation of Persistent Homology
by Konstantin Mischaikow and Vidit Nanda, 2013
discrete Morse theory
: discrete gradient field, simplicial collapse, discrete flow line; evasiveness conjecture, lower bound on #evaders [
lecture video
Elementary Applied Topology
by Robert Ghrist, Chap 7.8
A User's Guide to Discrete Morse Theory
by Robin Forman, 2002
Evasiveness of Graph Properties and Topological Fixed-Point Theorems
by Carl A. Miller, 2013
A topological approach to evasiveness
by Jeff Kahn, Michael Saks, and Dean Sturtevant, 1984
I'll give a 30-min talk in project presentation format, followed by an AMA session.
Ask my anything!
Topics we didn't get to cover
The list is
no where near
exhaustive and is biased towards my personal interests.
Maybe some of them next time in a special topics course. Just maybe.
: knots, normal surface theory
low-distortion routing
: multi-commodity flows, L1 embeddings, planar embedding conjecture
topological graph theory
: planar covers and Negami 1-2-infinity conjecture, theory of almost-planar graphs
linkages and foldings
: universality, rigidity
combinatorics of curves
: pseudolines, self-overlapping curves, electrical moves, Hanani-Tutte, weak embeddings
planar graph algorithms
: disjoint paths, multi-terminal flows and cuts, diameter, matchings, distance oracles
differential topology
: transversality, genericity, intersection theory
tools on planar graphs
: circle-packing, Tutte spring embedding, Maxwell–Cremona correspondence, Schnyder woods
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